
Snag a Button

Monday, August 4, 2008

Money or Prayer or Life

You might ask yourself: Should I send, pray for or go to another place for missions work? I think that this depends on what the Lord has for you...we are going...but before we sent and prayed. This was on a blogger friend's site, and it's soooo good!! So, if you aren't supposed to go, then send and/or pray. Our heart is such: Give money or Pray---if you have to chose one, choose pray! God can arrange the money...but we NEED the prayers!!

I said,
“Jesus, I can't go to lands across the seas.”
He answered quickly,
“Yes you can—by traveling on your knees.”
He said,
“You pray, I'll meet the need.
You call, and I will hear.
It's up to you to be concerned for lost souls far and near.”
And so I did;
I knelt in prayer,
gave up some hours of ease,
and with the Savior by by side,
I traveled on my knees.

1 comment:

Patty Wysong said...

*slapping hand on forehead*
HOW could I forget the giving??!!? Great post! (and I'm so glad you liked the poem Ruth sent me!)

I'm toying with doing Missions Mondays--Missions is entrenched in my heart and if I can use my pen and my page to help missionaries and their ministries I want to! I'm still working out ideas and logistics...