This past Friday was our first day back at our homeschool co-op. The kids love it, and I do too, really(that's what I must tell myself!!) It's a long day!! Here is our day in the life at ECC(Enrichment Classes of Carrollton--name of our c0-op).
I wake up at 6:30 or before, the girls and Mark wake up at 7(although Katie was dressed by 6!!) . Matthew wakes up a bit later. They eat and we are out the door by 8:10(that's the latest). We head over to the City of Carrollton (about 20-25 min away in traffic). Assembly starts at 8:40 and goes to 8:55--we sing some worship songs, say the pledge, a child recites a scripture from memory, we pray and we are off!!!
Katie's classes : Traveling Minstrels(history -sort of), Shake it up Shakespeare(acting--Katie wants to be in the movies), Color-color-color, Cheers and Cartwheels, and Bird's Eye View(geography)
Melissa is in kindergarten class all morning, a Dr. Suess class and a games class.
Mark and Matthew go to their preschool class.
They take naps in the afternoon and Matthew slept the whole two hours after lunch on a nap mat!!! (He sleeps in a crib still, so I was wondering if he would sleep at all with no borders. He did!!!
My classes: Traveling Minstrels, CSI -ECC or wherever they put me, PRE-ALGEBRA--I am back to my love of math teaching!!! Yipee!--I am a teacher!!!, Grading period, then Extreme weather.
I help in all, but the pre-algebra---where I actually am the teacher! I love it! Can you tell?
We ended our first day and were leaving the parking lot by 3:06, and we headed to Sonic where we got slushes!!!
I got home and laid on the couch like a zombie!!! Katie says she wishes we could go to ECC everyday---whoa momma!!! I couldn't do it!!