
Snag a Button

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


When you can't be with family, you have to make the most of the holiday times to cover all your home-sickness!  This time we outdid ourselves!  Thanksgiving is both John and my favorite holidays!!!  So, we had friends over and ate and ate!!!  We miss our family very much during this time, but we got to call them after our Thanksgiving!
I cooked two 5 pound turkeys, Spinach Madeline(my mom's recipe), Stuffing(my mom's kind), Sweet Potato Crunch( John's mom's recipe), and Buttermilk Pie!

Our guests were our interim pastors and their friends who are pastors in Moscow, but from Pennsylvania!  We also had a couple students over that we have met through our church.

1 comment:

Tori Leslie said...

Wow, lots of food! So glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving and had American friends to spend it with.
It's true, Thanksgiving is probably one of the hardest times a year for missionaries.
Anyhow, I've been on a blog bread for 4 weeks, and I'm back!!