
Snag a Button

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our Next Step...

My lovely sis in law asked me a question that I thought I'd answer for everyone---what is our next step?
We have seen two things as doors that the Lord could open or shut to allow us to stay longer here in Russia. The sale of our house and also a way to lengthen our visa. Remember our visas here were only for 3 months. So, the first door opened...and we have stepped through--OUR HOUSE---it has closed with no hitches in this economy---God is gracious and good! The second door is open--John has applied to a school in the area that he is already attending and we expect to get year visas for the whole family through them. So, we have started this extension, but it hasn't been completed yet. We will keep everyone posted on that door.

We plan to return to the states sometime in June if our visas are extended. Will we come back to Russia? We are expecting the Lord to answer that question throughout the next several months. If He wants us to stay or go, that is what we will do. My dad sent me another Hudson Taylor quote about 2 weeks ago that is perfect for how I feel right now..."It is no small comfort to me to know that God has called me to my work, putting me where I am and as I am. I have not sought the position and I dare not leave it. He knows why He places me here – whether to do or learn or suffer. He that believes shall not make haste." It's even a better fit than the quote at the top of the blog.

1 comment:

Patty Wysong said...

Hi Karen! I've missed stopping by for a visit (life moved to 'fast track' know how that can go)--but I cheered when I saw in my sidebar that your house had sold and signed. God is so good!! I'll be praying about this next step...whatever it turns out to be.