
Snag a Button

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday! Melissa!!! She's seven!!!

It's really hard to believe that my kids continue to grow up!!! What did I expect, you might ask? Well, I don't know really, but the older they become, the more mature I should be, right?? Well, I feel a bit more mature than high school and college...but when do I really earn my "motherhood" degree!? I think maybe when the kids are teenagers?

So, today was a great day! It snowed! and stuck!! It was 28 degrees this morning~!!! The coldest so far. Melissa opened a few presents. We went to IKEA to let Melissa shop with Daddy while the other kids played in the IKEA kids area and Mommy got to look around! We ate at McDonald's and of course bought our ketchup at the grocery store instead of paying 50 cents for one little ketchup at McD's! We then had a couple are you excited yet???? We found SORBET that Katie can eat--NO MILK from another vendor in the mall!!! (Big Feat here!!!)and Baskin Robbins at the IKEA mall had our absolute favorite ice cream---GOLD MEDAL RIBBON. Baskin Robbins in the Center of our city does not carry it, by the way---nor does Baskin Robbins carry sorbet like back home!!! Ok, so no spiritual miracle...or maybe it was---we consider it gifts from Him!!! After coming home, John cooked fabulous spaghetti and we watched High School Musical with Melissa in her HSM- dress up dress!!! Life has been good!(So, maybe our honeymoon period came today?)

I have pics, but will post later.

Great News---one of John's ole' Aggie co-workers had his baby yesterday---couldn't hold out for Melissa's day, but that's ok!!! Welcome to the good ole' USA Miss Lucy!!! Congrats to the Barkers!!! We are so happy for you!!!


Nina in Portugal said...

Happy Birthday Melissa! Can't wait to see the pics!

Mary said...

Happy Birthday Melissa! Seven is a cool age. Hope y'll are having lots of fun in the snow. I leave Sweden on Sunday and will be back in the U.S.A. Sunday night.

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday, Melissa!

Karen, you seem like a very youthful mom, in a good way! :) I think it's cute how you're all excited about the snow, definitely your first winter in Russia!

I have found lactose-free cheese here, I don't know if you are looking for something like that or not....there are also some soy products available.