
Snag a Button

Monday, November 17, 2008

Our visit with Larry...

Last night was one our most encouraging nights here yet. We got to hang out with our new state-side friend from TEXAS!!! It was such a great time!

First the girls and I went with him and a couple others to a nearby orphanage(nearby--less than an hour away!)...we met with the director and saw some of the kids we see at art class on was great! It was the first time that I felt that I was recognized and remembered by the kids. We have received permission to visit anytime and that the kids can come visit us at our apt.! I told John that I felt more favor than ever then! Thank you God! These kids are very much loved by their counselor and director at this particular orphanage! The girls got to play with their friends in the children's rooms and they loved it!!

After this, we came home and ate dinner with all of us and a friend from our church and Larry's long time friend!!! After all was said and done, I was floating on cloud nine---encouraged in the Lord and I can't wait to see what He has planned for us...still don't know that for sure.

I'll write more later but I have to go do school for now!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, this is certainly an answer to prayer! It's also a testament to the fact that relationships take time, more time than a short 90 days :-) I love watching how God is using the kids to connect with each other,too. We should always keep our childlike hearts, amen?

Anonymous said...

Sr_Egor said...
Praise the Lord, He is Awesome. This is very encouraging news.

Mary said...

Awesome! What an answer to prayer. You will have to write me an email to let me know which orphanage.