Although, I must admit, I love to hang dry clothes! I love the Amish, but just would rather have a washing machine for towels, jeans, and the tougher stuff!

---John had prayed last week for a washing machine and felt that the Lord wanted him to ask for one that was free---so he prayed for a free one! (A bit of history: if my mom can be impressed to ask for her next baby to be a girl, and Here I am!---we will ask for a FREE washer!--when the Lord directs!)
John didn't tell any of us that he had heard this or prayed it either...but we had discussed that after emailing a bunch of people over a two week period, and doing some shopping that we would get one on Wednesday(that was yesterday), if nothing else surfaced. The cost of the cheapest one would be about $250 and that high of a purchase was not expected by us--not fun.
So, we had boldly asked the landlord through our friend and agent if he would let us purchase one and take the amount off the rent and then just leave it here in June, so it would be his. We asked this of him last week, but didn't hear anything til Monday when our friend calls us and says---your landlord is going to be bringing you a washer on Wednesday---and it doesn't cost us a dime!!! God --you are truly our provider even in our "wants" and "really wants"!
I am just soooo amazed that our landlord did this for us...we have our washing machine now and I have done two loads already!!! This is not the norm here in Russia for people to be so Christ-like in their actions...when, really, this is not at all required--a washing machine!
I can't wait to see what happens next...because we have some secretive "wants" for Him to provide if He so chooses!
Now THIS is encouraging Karen! Thanks for sharing :-)
Hey John and Karen,
so amazing to read your posts, I'm excitied for you - what a great new appartment!!!
Did you get my e-mail about the coaching thing that I sent you a while ago?
Got it...sorry I thought I emailed you back, but didn't!--oops!
Hi Karen,
Thought I'd visit your blog since you came to my nutrition blog. :o)
Loved your post about the washing machine! What an encouraging story about how God meets our needs.
Blessings on you and your family,
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