
Snag a Button

Friday, July 11, 2008

Blog List!---Time Saving Device

I love my new time saver on my blog--the Blog List!!! You see, before I had this list, I would go check the blogs I love for updates and if they didn't have a new post, that was wasted time on my computer(I love my computer time, but I use far too much time checking blogs that haven't been updated that day(I don't post every day either!)!)

This Blog List is created by me and it shows the latest blog title and when it was posted. The most recent ones at the top! I love it! It is a true time saver! Add one to your blog if you like!

How is your Friday? Hope it goes great! We saw a friend and her daughter this morning that we haven't seen in a very long time! It was great! Happy Weekend!!


Tori Leslie said...

Hey that's neat. I have seen those before but I think if I added all the blogs that I read my list would be so long, it would be crazy!

That's really neat, I'm going to check out some of your blog reads.

Lisa said...

There are also a lot of great homepages that incorporate RSS feeds so you can read your favorite blogs right there on your homepage whenever you open your browser -- you don't even have to go to your own blog to see the updates! I use Netvibes and it's a real time saver!